[Jersey] Spring and Jersey Integration

From: Ricardo Borillo <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 12:02:50 +0100

Hi all,

I'm using SpringServlet with Jersey 1.4.
For the system design, i have DAO objects to access data and model objects
to implement my business logic:

public cass Sample {
   public MyDAO myDAO;
   ... methods and attributes ...

   public void update()

My service layer access the model and the model access data through DAO

In the service layer, i have my jersey methods:

    public Response update(Sample sample)
            return Response.ok(sample).build();

The problem is that the bean "sample" received by the previous method, is
not a Spring Bean and the collaborators are not autowired ...
Is it possible to get from Jersey a class "Sample" instance autowired by

I try to add InjectParam in the method, but i only get a new instance
without the HTTP data from client:

    public Response update(@InjectParam Sample sample)

Thanks in advance

Ricardo Borillo Domenech
twitter: @borillo