Re: [Jersey] JaxbContextResolver

From: Sven Waibel <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 12:29:14 +0200

Zitat von Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>:

> On May 21, 2010, at 2:21 AM, Tatu Saloranta wrote:
>> On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Sven Waibel <> wrote:
>>> Good point!
>>> But how would it be, if you specify an package name and it scan's
>>> the entire package for classes and set's them into the context?
>> There are packages that do this, using various hacks (JVM does not
>> provide real proper way to do it, so mostly they just go through
>> assumed classpath etc).
> Yes you can use Jersey's PackageNamesScanner in conjunction with
> AnnotationScannerListener (which uses ASM) to detect classes
> annotated with @XmlRootElement or @XmlType. Or use your own
> implementation of ScannerListener combined with ASM if you have
> specific requirements.
> For example:
> PackageNamesScanner pns = new PackageNamesScanner(new String[]
> {"", ""});
> AnnotationScannerListener asl = new
> AnnotationScannerListener(XmlRootElement.class, XmlType.class);
> pns.scan(asl);
> Set<Class<?>> jaxbClasses = asl.getAnnotatedClasses();

This is exactly what i need!
Thank you

> You can also specify the context path in JAXB and include an
> artifact required by JAXB as specified here:
> Every package listed on the contextPath must meet one or both of
> the following conditions otherwise a JAXBException will be thrown:
> it must contain ObjectFactory.class
> it must contain jaxb.index
>> So you can probably connect such code to do automatic registration. I
>> don't think JAXB implementations do this, and JAXB API specifically
>> has no method to request such scanning.
> Right. JAXB really requires things to be statically defined to
> determine the whole "XML model".
> When specifying classes explicitly JAXB will also recognize any
> classes that are directly/indirectly referenced statically from
> those specified classes.
>> You could try asking JAXB list for this, since this is not really a
>> Jersey or JAX-RS specific?
>> -+ Tatu +-
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