Re: [Jersey] JaxbContextResolver

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 11:11:47 +0200

On May 21, 2010, at 2:21 AM, Tatu Saloranta wrote:

> On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Sven Waibel <>
> wrote:
>> Good point!
>> But how would it be, if you specify an package name and it scan's
>> the entire package for classes and set's them into the context?
> There are packages that do this, using various hacks (JVM does not
> provide real proper way to do it, so mostly they just go through
> assumed classpath etc).

Yes you can use Jersey's PackageNamesScanner in conjunction with
AnnotationScannerListener (which uses ASM) to detect classes annotated
with @XmlRootElement or @XmlType. Or use your own implementation of
ScannerListener combined with ASM if you have specific requirements.

For example:

PackageNamesScanner pns = new PackageNamesScanner(new String[]
{"", ""});
AnnotationScannerListener asl = new
AnnotationScannerListener(XmlRootElement.class, XmlType.class);
Set<Class<?>> jaxbClasses = asl.getAnnotatedClasses();

You can also specify the context path in JAXB and include an artifact
required by JAXB as specified here:,%20java.lang.ClassLoader%29
   Every package listed on the contextPath must meet one or both of
the following conditions otherwise a JAXBException will be thrown:

it must contain ObjectFactory.class
it must contain jaxb.index
> So you can probably connect such code to do automatic registration. I
> don't think JAXB implementations do this, and JAXB API specifically
> has no method to request such scanning.

Right. JAXB really requires things to be statically defined to
determine the whole "XML model".

When specifying classes explicitly JAXB will also recognize any
classes that are directly/indirectly referenced statically from those
specified classes.

> You could try asking JAXB list for this, since this is not really a
> Jersey or JAX-RS specific?
> -+ Tatu +-
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