Re: [Jersey] Dynamic _at_Path

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2009 20:44:31 +0200

On Aug 6, 2009, at 5:40 PM, Adam Rabung wrote:

> Hello,
> First off, I am loving Jersey! I'm finding it very intuitive and
> clean to write my resources/providers. Keep up the good work.


What you require is currently not supported, but i think it would be
fairly easy to add to Jersey. Let me work on it. Note that matching
only happens on the path and not query parameters, so you would need
to consume query parameters separately using @QueryParam or by getting
the multivalued map from UriInfo.

One possible solution you can try at the moment is to use
@Path("{path: .+}") and UriTemplate [1]. For example:

   @Path("{id: .+}")
   public ... get(@PathParam("id") String id) {
     UriTemplate t = new UriTemplate("widgets/{widgetType}/

     Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> nameValues = ...
     if (t.match(id, nameVaues)) {
     } else {
       throw new WebApplicatonException(404);

I think for static file serving you may require a filter that checks
if the URL points to a static file, if so that file is returned
otherwise processing continues. For this you can use a Jersey
container filter or a Servlet filter.



> My application has 5-10 "standard" rest resources that lend themselves
> well to the class/method annotation style of Jersey. However, several
> more resources are essentially defined externally. Think of these as
> XML reports which define the url they want to publish to:
> Report #1:
> <resource url = "/widgets/{widgetType}/widgetsInNeedOfRepair">
> .... DSL describing how to execute the query
> <resource>
> Report #2:
> <resource url =
> "/company/{company}/people/{department}/peopleWithExcessVacationTime?
> employeeType=manager">
> .... DSL describing how to execute the query
> <resource>
> These reports can be executed by the same generic Resource class, but
> many different Paths need to match this generic class. My goal is to
> allow this generic Resource to take advantage of other annotations
> (Produces, GET, etc) and all of the other Jersey resources such as
> Providers.
> I found a recommendation to use
> @Path("{fullPath}")
> I can then use UriInfo#getPathParameters to inspect what was passed in
> and glean out the path Parameters. I only have two problems w/ this
> approach:
> 1. As far as I can tell, I'd need a method for each number of
> anticipated path elements:
> @GET
> public Iterable<ExportNode> executeQuery1(@Context UriInfo ui) {
> return executeQuery(ui);
> }
> @GET
> @Path("/{param1}")
> public Iterable<ExportNode> executeQuery2(@Context UriInfo ui) {
> return executeQuery(ui);
> }
> @Path("/{param1}/{param2}")
> @GET
> public Iterable<ExportNode> executeQuery3(@Context UriInfo ui) {
> return executeQuery(ui);
> }
> etc etc
> 2. It seems this all-encompassing URL matching would cause problems
> for static file serving.
> I'm so new to Jersey and even Rest that I'm sure I'm taking a
> completely wrong approach here, but I think my "dream" code would be:
> ... at startup:
> jersey.registerResource("/widgets/{widgetType}/widgetsInNeedOfRepair",
> GenericResource.class);
> jersey.registerResource("/company/{company}/people/{department}/
> peopleWithExcessVacationTime?employeeType=manager",
> GenericResource.class);
> ...and Generic Resource:
> @Produces(
> public class GenericResource {
> @GET
> public ReportResult executeQuery(@Context UriInfo ui) {
> //use UriInfo to figure out exactly which report they are invoking,
> and what the parameters are
> }
> }
> What's the right approach for a problem like this? Any input is much
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Adam
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