Re: [Jersey] Dynamic _at_Path

From: António Mota <>
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2009 17:40:57 +0100

We use the the option that Paul indicated with a JCR that holds files in
a file-system-like structure without any problem so far...

Martin Probst wrote:
>> Why don't you utilize
>> @Path("{path: .+}")
> In my case it's a bit more complicated. I basically use Jersey to
> provide an HTTP front end to our native XML database, which internally
> has a file-system-like structure. So with every call to "Resource
> foo(@PathParam("path") String path)", I actually create a new
> "Resource" object that represents the corresponding item in the
> repository.
> I find that easier than collecting the complete list and iterating it
> afterwards.
> Martin
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