Wilfred Springer wrote:
> All,
> I'm looking for a way to insert processing instructions into the XML
> output (<?xml stylesheet="..."?>) , but I fail to locate the right
> hooks. Does anybody have a suggestion?
Is this for use with JAXB?
If so one needs to tweak the JAXB marshalling, see this email for some
details [1]. Would the style sheet be fixed for all JAXB beans?
Another way to do this without creating your own Java type for a
representation is to wrap a JAXBContext to modify the marshaller. I can
send more info on this if you like.
The upshot is it is not that easy to do at the moment because the PIs
cannot be specified at the level of JAXB beans.
Perhaps the simplest approach might be for Jersey to have a special
generic type for JAXB beans with processing instructions. Plus (as i
said last week) i think we may be able to make the JAXB processing
extensible to easily plug say a fixed style sheet.
| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz