- [Jersey] Announce: release of jax-rs-pac4j 1.0.0
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Closed down commits_at_jersey.java.net mailing list.
- building Jersey these days requires using -Ppromoted
- Failing to build jersey in jersey-tests-integration-servlet-2.5-mvc-3
- Getting involved?!
- Java EE has successfully migrated to GitHub and Groups.io
- java.net.jax-ws has been migrated to GitHub and groups.io discussion service
- java.net.jsr311 has been migrated to GitHub and groups.io discussion service
- Jersey 2.0 and JBoss 7
- Jersey 2.0 and Viewable (more especially JSP forwarding)
- Removed from dev_at_jaxb.java.net
- Removed from issues_at_jax-ws.java.net
- Spring framework support for Jersey 2
- test
- Testing Jersey 2.x development
- Time to Verify Your Java.net email address
- Time to Verify Your new email address in Java.net
- What is the standard behavior when injecting property on a singleton resource class?
- wsit.java.net has been migrated to GitHub and groups.io discussion service
- Last message date: Fri May 12 13:39:24 2017
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:12:41 2017 PDT