
Re: [Jersey] Announce: release of jax-rs-pac4j 1.0.0

From: Pavel Bucek <pavel.bucek_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2016 10:24:56 +0100

Hi Victor.

Please don't send any product/project announcements to Jersey (and I'm
sure this applies to other mailing lists as well) mailing list without
asking for permission from project owners.


On 18/11/2016 10:10, Victor Noel wrote:
> Hi,
> The pac4j team (http://www.pac4j.org/) is happy to announce the
> release of the first version of jax-rs-pac4j (Apache 2.0).
> Pac4j is a Java security engine to protect web applications, it is
> integrated with many frameworks and now with JAX-RS runtimes. It
> supports most authentication mechanisms, such as OAuth (Facebook,
> Twitter, Google...), SAML, CAS, LDAP, SQL, JWT, MongoDB, and others.
> jax-rs-pac4j provides ways to protect your resources using annotations
> or global filters to protect your application. It has been tested with
> Jersey and Resteasy, both with servlet and non-servlet containers.
> It also supports injection at resources method level of the
> authenticated profile in Jersey.
> You can find more details at https://github.com/pac4j/jax-rs-pac4j.
> The maven artefacts are released on Maven central.
> Note also that for users of dropwizard, we released an integration of
> pac4j that relies on jax-rs-pac4j and add configuration support (see
> https://github.com/pac4j/dropwizard-pac4j).
> We hope the community we use it, we are very open to contributions and
> issue reports to improve it (it is still young but used in some real
> projects :).
> Cheers,
> Victor