Re: [Jersey] Build from trunk fails for me

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 19:02:09 +0100

On Feb 20, 2009, at 6:37 PM, Craig McClanahan wrote:

> Just updated to the latest trunk bits (r2030), and tried to build
> from the top as usual. I get a unit test failure in the jersey-
> apache-client module from the testOptions test of
> com.sun.jersey.client.apache.impl.HttpMethodTest, an assertionFailed
> error at line 107.
> This is with Java 1.6.0_0 on an Ubuntu Linux 8.xx desktop.
> Any ideas?

Yes, the test in question tests for OPTIONS and assumes that no entity
is present, which is true when JAXB is not available, but false
otherwise, and of course JAXB is present for SE 6.

We need to update the pom to include JAXB for testing with 1.5.
