> That would be up to the developers leading the project i.e. it could
> be you :-) i would be supportive of such a project.
I say nothing against that. If nobody else wants to do that, I can do it.
But maybe you or Marc wants to do that? I mean, it was his proposal, so
maybe he already works on this?
> > Meanwhile I will start my own java.net project to host the WebDAV
> > related
> > stuff (my core and Daniel's Microsoft-Interop stuff) to be able to
> > independently release and publish as often as possible.
> OK. Please ping back when you have the project set up.
Is already set up but not yet open to the public: Still the projects website
says "Approval Pending". The code is uploaded to the SVN but nobody besides
me can access it yet. I'll drop a note when it is open for everybody.