Re: [Jersey] [WebDAV] Client API

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2009 11:22:33 +0100

On Jan 31, 2009, at 12:16 PM, Markus KARG wrote:

> This week we discussed ideas for a WebDAV Client API. Craig asked
> for something that will be as simple as "WebDAV.listDirectory(URL)"
> and what returns Java Beans. From the user's perspective this sounds
> great, but the question is: What shall this Java Bean contain? The
> WebDAV directory describer (i. e. a JAXB wrapper around the WebDAV
> XML Tags)? Or the directory as a bean, so one can use
> directory.listDirectory() for subdirectories and file.get() to
> receive the content? Or when it is a file, the file content itself
> (which will be a performance problem since it might pull thousands
> of files then).

My hunch is that it would be useful for links in the Java Bean to be
easily accessible as "WebResource" types from which further operations
can be performed by the client. Such functionality is likely to be a
thin wrapper to something that creates an instance from a URL, but it
avoids the developer having to "pop out" of what they are focusing on.

> What do you think? What shall the client API be like?
> And what is the Jersey Client currently providing? Can it be
> extended to support this or would it be better to provide something
> "ontop"?

Browse the client API:*checkout*/jersey/tags/jersey-1.0/api/jersey/com/sun/jersey/api/client/package-summary.html

At the moment it would be more suited for wrapping, but i would be
happy to make backward compatible changes to make it extensible.
