Re: All resource reps instead of reference

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2008 10:24:36 +0100

Peter Liu wrote:
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Nam Nguyen wrote:
>>> This is already implemented by Peter. For example:
>>> http://localhost:8085/WebApplication9//resources/customers/?start=0&max=10
>> Oops, i should keep more up to date. Very good! i just had a close
>> look at the generated code :-)
>> Is there a change log between updates and/or feature set docs that i
>> should be looking at?
> We have been keeping track of the changes via engineer plans for each
> release on our wiki.
> Unfortunately, we didn't publish any change log for the new features.

OK. I highly recommend publishing a changes.txt with each release
summarizing bug fixes and new things. For Jersey i have found it not too
much of a burden to maintain, although i should really automate it

>> For the CustomerDB generated code I like the way you are using an
>> anonymous inner class in the for the customers associated with a
>> discount code.
> We can't take credit for this. You are the one who actually suggested
> this awhile back :-)


>> It would be nice if Jersey could help in the support of persistence,
>> for example by perhaps providing its own persistence service like the
>> one generated. I think WebBeans could be a lot of help here to inject
>> stuff and have transacted HTTP methods.
> That would really help. We actually have a lot of issues with the
> generated persistence service because it is not managed and we
> have to explicitly close the persistence factory after each http request
> to keep it from sticking around after redeployment and
> get ClassCastException the next time around.

Yes, all those try/finally statements are a pain.


| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz