Re: All resource reps instead of reference

From: Peter Liu <Peter.Liu_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2008 12:24:47 -0800

Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Nam Nguyen wrote:
>> This is already implemented by Peter. For example:
>> http://localhost:8085/WebApplication9//resources/customers/?start=0&max=10
> Oops, i should keep more up to date. Very good! i just had a close
> look at the generated code :-)
> Is there a change log between updates and/or feature set docs that i
> should be looking at?
We have been keeping track of the changes via engineer plans for each
release on our wiki.
Unfortunately, we didn't publish any change log for the new features.
> For the CustomerDB generated code I like the way you are using an
> anonymous inner class in the for the customers associated with a
> discount code.
We can't take credit for this. You are the one who actually suggested
this awhile back :-)
> It would be nice if Jersey could help in the support of persistence,
> for example by perhaps providing its own persistence service like the
> one generated. I think WebBeans could be a lot of help here to inject
> stuff and have transacted HTTP methods.
That would really help. We actually have a lot of issues with the
generated persistence service because it is not managed and we
have to explicitly close the persistence factory after each http request
to keep it from sticking around after redeployment and
get ClassCastException the next time around.
> Paul.