Hi Frank,
Very impressive results! Congratulations.
And it is interesting,
that for the medium set (50 uris) the result is always
better than for the small sets (20 uris).
Did you try yet another different uri sets? And different uri set sizes (200, 500)?
On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 05:42:11PM -0500, Frank Martínez wrote:
> Hi all guys,
> I have made some benchmarkings with TrieUriPathResolver and
> LinearOrderedUriPathResolver.
> Look some results in the (attached) japex report.
> Please read the (attached) README file before.
> Regards,
> --
> Frank D. Martínez M.
> Asimov Technologies Ltda.
> Blog: http://www.ibstaff.net/fmartinez/
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