Jakub Podlesak wrote:
> Hi Frank,
> Very impressive results! Congratulations.
Yes. It looks very promising. I am going to send am email out talking
about the whole URI resolving aspects and how we may proceed forward.
> And it is interesting,
> that for the medium set (50 uris) the result is always
> better than for the small sets (20 uris).
Do you mean the other way around? The larger the bar the better the result.
It is tricky to compare results between different sets because each set
uses different input data (although the size is the same) and different
URI templates. Plus the linear algorithm could potentially terminate
on average less than for other tests depending on the set of URIs.
> Did you try yet another different uri sets? And different uri set sizes (200, 500)?
Frank gave me the source for the drivers and i modified to test 2 4 8 16
32 64 128 templates using the same set source source data (reduced in
size but i increased the number of warmup and run iterations). I plotted
this of a log log scatter graph (see attached).
As you can see there is variance between linear and Trie between sets of
data but the clear trend is that:
1) Trie is always faster;
2) Linear degrades when the number of templates increases;
3) Trie displays good scalability as the number of templates increases; and
4) Trie can get an order of magnitude better than linear for small sets
of templates e.g. 8 templates.
> ~Jakub
> On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 05:42:11PM -0500, Frank Martínez wrote:
>> Hi all guys,
>> I have made some benchmarkings with TrieUriPathResolver and
>> LinearOrderedUriPathResolver.
>> Look some results in the (attached) japex report.
>> Please read the (attached) README file before.
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Frank D. Martínez M.
>> Asimov Technologies Ltda.
>> Blog: http://www.ibstaff.net/fmartinez/
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Paul Sandoz