Thanks Paul,
I am OK with the way WADL is used now. I will file a RFE to track this.
Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Ayub,
> It is going to take as a little longer than expected to get the
> resource model done, but we are working on it!
> After that we can work on improving WADL generation. But we are going
> to change the focus slightly and be a little more dynamic. It is very
> hard to generate a complete WADL for the Web application given the
> dynamic nature in which Jersey works and indeed have a complete static
> view is not really the way to go. Instead the WADL will be more
> focused and available for each resource. We can still provide the WADL
> for the root resources. So in this respect we view WADL as hypermedia
> (similar to forms) and the client 'waddles' through the WADL
> representations following links etc. This is much more loosely couple
> and fits in nicely with the REST constraints.
> In any case i don't think this invalidates your 3 points which
> generally look OK. Please file any issues you have for your resource
> model and WADL requirements so that we can track them and not forget
> about them :-)
> Paul.
> Ayub Khan wrote:
>> Hi Marc/Paul,
>> I have mentioned in one of the Tuesday meeting, that after NB6.0
>> Beta2 I wanted to focus on extending the WADL generation part
>> of REST tooling so that I can insert extension to WADL that is
>> generated for a RESTful Web Project. Brian Leanord (NB evangelism)
>> also showed
>> interested on using WADL for Web 2.0 client consumption. The
>> extension I am looking for is to be able to update element type
>> (schema element) for each representation.
>> I am thinking in order to achieve this, following needs to happen.
>> 1. Resource Model integration to Jersey, and current WADL model to
>> follow this resource model. This allows for
>> modifying WADL in a standard way.
>> 2. API/SPI to register callback methods to customize WADL elements.
>> 3. Sample code on how to modify WADL.
>> If you agree to 1-3, then please let me know whether I should file a
>> RFE for this. Also if I file one, which version
>> of jersey these will be available.
>> We can talk in tomorrow's (10/02/07) meeting.
>> Thanks
>> Ayub
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