Aaron Anderson wrote:
> Paul, I like your idea of moving the necessary localizer.jar classes
> into JSR-311 API distribution. This would make the JSR 311
> specification jar file independent from the RI.
I will sort this out tomorrow.
I am in two minds whether to back patch this to the JAX-RS 0.2 zip as to
be completely consistent i would have to modify the stable Jersey 0.2.1
release. So perhaps we should only support this for 0.3 and onwards... ?
In any case i will do things for 0.3 first.
> Thanks,
> Aaron
> */Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>/* wrote:
> It was from an internal project Kohsuke created. AFAIK it is not on
> java.net. The jsr311-api.jar also has a dependency on this jar.
> The same functionality is in JAX-WS 2.x runtime, but in the package
> "com.sun.xml.ws.util.localization" but i don't want to create a runtime
> dependency on jaxws-rt.jar just for this functionality.
> Probably the most expedient thing to do is repackage the localizer.jar
> into the jsr311-api.jar, so that other implementations can be created
> independently of Jersey. This should be quite easy to do and we can
> pull
> in the latest 311 jar to Jersey. Then we can think about how to solve
> this problem better without stopping distribution to maven.
> On timely related matters we have just had a request to make the
> jsr311-api.jar available on Maven so that developers can start
> implementing. I don't know if it is an issue for other developers or
> not
> that jsr311-api.jar will be distributed with jersey.jar to the maven
> repository. I tend to look at it as a good thing because the API and RI
> are kept in sync, thus a developer could compare their implementation
> with the RI to see if it is doing the same thing.
> Paul.
> --
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> Paul Sandoz
> x38109
> +33-4-76188109
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Paul Sandoz