Copyright and License Question

From: Barb Cochrane <>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 16:22:55 -0500



I have a copyright / license question that I hope someone can answer.


The *.properties files in these folders:


1) src\jaxws-ri-20081017\src\com\sun\xml\ws\resources


2) src\jaxws-ri-20081017\src\com\sun\tools\ws\resources


 contain the following proprietary notice.



# Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

# SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.



I checked a few of the corresponding java files in the same folders and they
appear to contain no copyright headers or license terms. The
ThirdPartyLicense.txt that is distributed with JAX-WS Reference
Implementation 2.1.5 indicates there may be a number of third party
applications (and licenses) included, so it is unclear which license terms
apply to these files.


Which license applies to these files? Are there plans to update the headers
to include this information?


Thanks in advance.


Barb Cochrane