Barb Cochrane wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a copyright / license question that I hope someone can answer.
> The *.properties files in these folders:
> 1) src\jaxws-ri-20081017\src\com\sun\xml\ws\resources
> 2) src\jaxws-ri-20081017\src\com\sun\tools\ws\resources
> contain the following proprietary notice.
> #
> # Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
> # SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
> I checked a few of the corresponding java files in the same folders
> and they appear to contain no copyright headers or license terms. The
> ThirdPartyLicense.txt that is distributed with JAX-WS Reference
> Implementation 2.1.5 indicates there may be a number of third party
> applications (and licenses) included, so it is unclear which license
> terms apply to these files.
> Which license applies to these files? Are there plans to update the
> headers to include this information?
Thanks for informing us. The resources fall under CDDL+GPLv2
copyright(just like other sources in the repository). The corresponding
java files are generated and they need to be fixed as well.
We will definitely fix this. I filed an issue
> Thanks in advance.
> Barb Cochrane