Installer bug

From: NBW <>
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 17:16:56 -0500

When installing Metro 1.3.1 using JDK 1.6 U 12 when executing:

ant -Das.home=C:\Sun\SDK -f C:\metro\metro-on-glassfish.xml

the ANT output contains the following message:

The file 'web-services-api.jar' must be installed into
$JAVA_HOME/lib/endorsed for WSIT to prevent conflicts ....

The problem is there is no file called web-services-api.jar, it's
webservices-api.jar. Further down in the ANT output it is correctly
mentioned as webservices-api.jar.

Also, I have a question related to this. I noticed that it installed
webservices-api.jar into as.home\lib\endorsed, does it still need to go into
$JAVA_HOME\lib\endorsed? Thanks,
