Adding JAX-WS mailing list alias..
On 17.1.2009, at 14:58, KASAI Hiroyoshi wrote:
> Thanks for the answer and sorry for a month late.
> I see the policy for the maintainance release now.
> I have another question on jax-ws used Metro 1.4 FCS release.
> I appreciate if you give the answer for this.
> How should I get whole JAX-WS source tree
> exactly used in Metro 1.4 FCS from jax-ws repository?
> I think that Metro 1.4 FCS source is tagged as "metro1_4-release"
> in the repositry according to
> Manifect in one jar from jax-ws that is tagged as "metro1_4-release"
> says ...
> Build-Id: hudson-239
> Build-Version: JAX-WS RI 2.1.5-hudson-239-
> at 1.302 in
> .
> #It was same in the jar in Metro 1.4 FCS binary release.
> But I could't find sources of 'JAX-WS RI 2.1.5-hudson-239-' in jax-
> ws repository.
> jax-ws-sources/jaxws-ri
> No tag indicating or implying hudson-239 found there.
> And 'hudson number' rule is not understandabe for me, also.
> Yes, is there, but it is for only debugging,
> many files other than *.java are lost.
> Thanks,
> On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 15:28:37 +0200
> Fabian Ritzmann <Fabian.Ritzmann_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
>> On 13. Dec 2008, at 10:18, KASAI Hiroyoshi wrote:
>>> JAX-WS already released 2.1.5 months ago, and releasing 2.1.6 now.
>>> But Metro(WSIT) 1.1.5, and Glassfish V2.1 use 2.1.3.x today.
>>> Is there no plan to upgrade JAX-WS to newer 2.1.x in 1.1.x branch ?
>> There is no plan to upgrade AFAIK.
>>> I understand that 1.1.5 (and Glassfish V2.1)
>>> is maintainance release, but it is same on JAX-WS 2.1.x.
>>> It has no specification update,
>>> only a few enhancements and lots of bug fixes, according to
>>> and
>>> .
>> I can't speak authoritatively for the Metro project but unless there
>> is a major show stopper to fix we generally include new releases of
>> JAX-WS (and all other libraries) only in the latest Metro release. I
>> believe JAX-WS 2.1.6 went into Metro 1.4 (as far as I remember, I
>> didn't verify that). It would be a lot of work for testing if we put
>> new JAX-WS releases into Metro 1.1.x, 1.2.x and 1.3.x. (And don't
>> forget that there are a lot of products that depend on Metro, e.g.
>> GlassFish, OpenESB, and many more.)
>> Fabian
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> --
> KASAI Hiroyoshi (FAMILY-NAME Given-name)
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