Re: Testing and integrating new tubes project

From: Peter Hendry <>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:30:31 +1200

Vivek Pandey wrote:
> Jitendra Kotamraju wrote:
>>> We also need to do it at the right moment, too. Glassfish is getting
>>> close to a release, and so it's fairly unlikely that they'll say yes
>>> to this change any time soon.
>>> So for a while, we'll have to leave the RI as it is.
>> Now that trunk will be readied for 2.1.2, can we consider this for
>> 2.1.2 ??
> Depends. If we want to put 2.1.2 in GF v2 it might make it difficult
> to impossible. The only other people I see using Tubes, apart from
> WSIT MEX and possibly GF v2 - is JBI folks (OpenESB), they are using
> Tubes and what not in their HTTP BC and also J2EE Service Engine guys
> are using it.
> So co-ordinating the changes at all those places might be difficult
> for the GF v2 timeline.
> I would also like to know who other users on the dev or users alias
> are using Tubes so that they know what might be coming.

Something to note in this is that there are *no* functionality changes
and *no* API changes (that remains to be tested but any that there are
can be fixed up so there aren't any). All functionality that was in the
RI tubes has simply been pulled up to new base classes. Nobody should
see a change and nobody should need to change any code.

The issue is that people need to get the new JAX-WS RI with tubes to
check that I haven't missed anything in the move (RI tubes methods used
that I have not made concretely typed in the RI so it would pick up the
generic version). For this to happen I suggest a branch in the RI so the
new tubes code at least exists in the RI and can be built and tested.
Once there is confidence that the changes are not visible and so will
not affect anyone already using tubes and testing has satisfied us all
that there are no functionality changes then all that remains to happen
is to merge the changes. Of course the merge will have to happen at a
convenient time for other projects (although if a) there are no visible
API changes and b) all testing passes, then it should actually matter to
other projects - this would just be another point release of the RI).

So I suggest the next steps are

1) get any tubes tests in the RI across to the tubes project and write
any new tests required
2) create a branch from the current 2.1.2 code and get tubes integrated
on the branch then provide builds from this branch for anyone to test
that uses tubes
3) when appropriate, merge the branch

1 and 2 can be done in parallel. The tubes project also needs work to
make it consumable (description, downloads, etc.) and it would help if
it had a build config :-)
