Re: Testing and integrating new tubes project

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 13:33:54 -0700

Jitendra Kotamraju wrote:
>>> I see WSIT uses them but I can't see any reference to them in
>>> Glassfish (on HEAD anyway). Are there other projects you know of
>>> using them that we could test do not break?
>> There are some uses inside Glassfish, as well as JBI folks. So this
>> needs coordination, and we can't test everything by ourselves.
> currently Glassfish has jax-ws 2.1.1. I do not think Glassfish or JBI
> is using Tubes(they still use Pipes !). The only tube I am aware of
> is WSIT's MEX tube. But there could be other projects that would be
> using Tubes. Also Glassfish will not take any more changes to 2.1.1
>> We also need to do it at the right moment, too. Glassfish is getting
>> close to a release, and so it's fairly unlikely that they'll say yes
>> to this change any time soon.
>> So for a while, we'll have to leave the RI as it is.
> Now that trunk will be readied for 2.1.2, can we consider this for
> 2.1.2 ??
Depends. If we want to put 2.1.2 in GF v2 it might make it difficult to
impossible. The only other people I see using Tubes, apart from WSIT MEX
and possibly GF v2 - is JBI folks (OpenESB), they are using Tubes and
what not in their HTTP BC and also J2EE Service Engine guys are using it.

So co-ordinating the changes at all those places might be difficult for
the GF v2 timeline.

I would also like to know who other users on the dev or users alias are
using Tubes so that they know what might be coming.

> Jitu
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