Peter Hendry wrote:
> 1) get any tubes tests in the RI across to the tubes project
We dont have any specific tests written just for Tubes, it gets
excersized in a way thru all the jaxws unit/sqe/tck tests every day,
actually with each commit we make. I think if all these tests are run
together with wsit and interoperable tests that will give use a comfort
None of these tests are public. All the public tests are at jaxws-unit
subproject( We have some legal issues
on putting out our unit tests (there are about 900 of them) and I think
at some time we should make them as part of jaxwsunit. It just needs to
be run thru legal and we have to remove some tests that might not be ok
unless its cleared by legal.
> and write any new tests required
Sure. Do I see a volunteer here :-)
> 2) create a branch from the current 2.1.2 code and get tubes
> integrated on the branch then provide builds from this branch for
> anyone to test that uses tubes
> 3) when appropriate, merge the branch
> 1 and 2 can be done in parallel.
I will work on creating the branch on the trunk to use Tubes. But this
will not be effectively synced up with the trunk. I guess this should be
ok as when we are comfortable we can sync up with the Tubes branch and I
hope that wont be too long.
> The tubes project also needs work to make it consumable (description,
> downloads, etc.) and it would help if it had a build config :-)
right. Its just aht J1 is keeping us really busy these days and I will
appreciate if you can start something on it otherwise will see how soon
one of us can make it useable.
> Pete
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