Re: Changes to the WSDLGeneratorExtension api

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2006 16:57:38 -0800

I think that would be better since we completely remove the dependency
on the "api" package.


Doug Kohlert wrote:
> We could replace all of these classes with simple "TypedXmlWriter".
> Arun Gupta wrote:
>> Although WSDLGeneratorExtension is in "api" package, but it uses quite
>> a few classes that are not in the "api" package. I think we should
>> create an abstraction layer such that the user does not have to deal
>> with classes outside the "api" package.
>> -Arun
>> Doug Kohlert wrote:
>>> I removed all uses of CheckedException from from the
>>> WSDLGeneratorExtension api as it appears that
>>> no component from the wsinterop project needs access to it.

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