Re: retrieve wsdl

From: Bobby Bissett - Javasoft <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 11:11:32 -0500

> Perhaps the proper way to do this is through a HTTP MEX service?

MEX seems a good fit over JMS (or SMTP, or carrier pigeon, or whatever),
since it defines the request and response messages and no particular

You can give this a look:

It's not full-featured in terms of what MEX supports (*), but the
functionality for retrieving WSDLs is in there. I think you could just
check the address in the main client code ("sendGMRequest" method) and
add a JMS class to the transport package to use when the address is jms
rather than http.

(*) The only part really missing is using jaxb to generate request xml.
So it's hard coded now to only make empty <GetMetadada/> requests, which
are requests for the wsdl.
