On 11/12/14 16:07, Santiago Pericas-Geertsen wrote:
> On Dec 10, 2014, at 5:54 PM, Markus KARG <markus_at_headcrashing.eu> wrote:
>>>> * The list names SSE but not WebSockets. Is this to be understood as
>> really
>>>> SSE only, hence definitively no WebSocket support?
>>> There's another JSR for WS.
>> What if somebody wants to write a JAX-RS application which shall open a
>> WebSocket as a reaction to an HTTP method, and which has to forward events
>> on that WebSocket received by JAX-RS Client API?
> I'm not sure I understand the JAX-RS Client API part. Is the JAX-RS application a WS client in this UC? If so, it can simply use a WS @ClientEndpoint.
>> If we allow SSE, then
>> people will ask how to do something like that with WebSocket and need a
>> one-stop blueprint shop.
> We can certainly say something about WS, and why SSE is easily handled as an extension of JAX-RS while WS requires its own API.
That was a concern for me the last time I commented on it. The problem
is a JAX-RS user wishing to do WebSockets will need to move from JAX-RS
in order to do WebSockets.
FYI, we've done a CXF colleague of mine has done a WebSockets binding to
the JAX-RS API. I think it is very similar to the way SSE will be supported.
I'm not saying 2.1 should do something about it but IMHO it may make
sense to create an ice-box JIRA to review the possibility of binding
JAX-RS requests/responses to a WebSocket transport after the SSE effort
is done.
Cheers, Sergey
> -- Santiago