[jax-rs-spec users] [jsr339-experts] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Matching algorithm doesn't recurse back on Locators

From: Marek Potociar <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 18:39:49 +0200

On May 21, 2013, at 6:22 PM, Sergey Beryozkin <> wrote:

> Hi Marek
> On 21/05/13 16:52, Marek Potociar wrote:
>> On May 21, 2013, at 5:01 PM, Bill Burke <
>> <>> wrote:
>>> On 5/21/2013 10:50 AM, Marek Potociar wrote:
>>>>> And the TCK assumes that 2a also tries to match the HTTP method.
>>>>> (Santiago admitted this is an error in the spec).
>>>> I have checked with TCK team - we don't have a clue what test are you
>>>> referring to. Can you please work with our TCK team offline and let
>>>> them know?
>>>>> IMO, it is not much of a stretch to do this algorithm.
>>>> It's a stretch that would make it incompatible with JAX-RS 1.x. And
>>>> why? So that we fit some implementations into JAX-RS compliant bounds
>>>> while exposing 1.x RI users to the incompatible changes. FWIW, I'm
>>>> not objecting to opening a discussion about revising/simplifying the
>>>> algorithm in general, I am however not comfortable with making
>>>> serious BW incompatible decisions under such pressure at all.
>>> Its not incompatible because the matching is a superset.
>> The problem is that with default OPTIONS and HEAD there are use cases
>> that suddenly would start working differently:
>> @Path("root")
>> class Root {
>> @GET
>> @Path("sub")
>> String getSub() { ... }
>> @Path("sub")
>> Sub getLocator() { return new Sub(); }
>> }
>> class Sub {
>> Stringoptions() { ... }
>> }
>> With JAX-RS 1.1, the above example, for an OPTIONS request to
>> "/root/sub" requires default OPTIONS method to be invoked. Your proposal
>> would change this to invocation chain Root.getLocator() ->
>> Sub.options(). That is my problem with your proposal.
> You probably refer to HEAD here.

No, I refer to OPTIONS, it should not however matter in this case if its HEAD or OPTIONS - default method provided by runtime should get in play.

> To be honest, defaulting of HEAD to GET is in itself not a great idea as (even the spec acknowledges) it can affect the performance as you never know what @GET will return. It is a side note though, but either way, blocking the algorithm improvements to get this very rare case supported, instead of, important point here, of getting a valid HEAD handler selected, does seem wrong to me.
> It does not matter that HEAD is on Sub, the client does not care. The spec says that if no HEAD is available then we have to try @GET, it does not say this @GET has to be on the root resource.
> So what happens in the above case if we do go to Sub and it has no HEAD ?
> That is the only problem which I do not know how to fix. It would work for OPTIONS (we just check all the supported methods starting from Sub up to Root), but not for HEAD.
> Seriously, this is the only issue with HEAD, who no one uses I think.
> I'd update the HEAD handling somehow, make a special case for it (example, if you have HEAD - then GET match will do). This will make you example work and let us proceed with the algo supporting more realistic examples where the subresources offer the valid handlers.
> And by the way. Re issue 405 which I think is valid,
> replace @Path("sub") with @Path("{sub}") on the first method and we have to go to Locator because that is how it worked in 1.1
>>> The current 2.0 draft is *ALREADY* a superset of JAX-RS 1.1 because it
>>> allows multiple resource class matches. It doesn't effect
>>> compatibility because 1.1 applications would still run with the
>>> current changes in 2.0 and the additional small change I'm proposing.
>> But if I'm correct, the change we made does not pose the same issues as
>> the change being proposed now. We're just enabling something that was
>> clearly forbidden earlier. I do not think that there are any JAX-RS
>> compliant applications out there that contain multiple root resource
>> classes with the same @Path values.
>>>>> 1. Select resource and subresource methods that match the request URI
>>>>> 2 if there is an http method match, and produce/consume/accept
>>>>> match, then you're good
>>>>> 3. If there is no match for URI, http method, and
>>>>> produce/consume/accept, try the locators
>>>>> Markus's (and my) request to support multiple resource classes with
>>>>> the same matching path was not suported in 1.1. We expanded the
>>>>> matching capabilities in 2.0. I suggest we do the same again for
>>>>> media types. Since this 2.0 algorithm is already broken and must be
>>>>> fixed, just add a bullet point to 3(a)
>>>> Sorry for being slow here, where exactly is the current algorithm
>>>> broken again?
>>> 1.1 algorithm would go onto locators if no HTTP method was matched.
>>> See sergey's emails.
>> I see now, thanks. So to be JAX-RS 1.1 compliant we need to update the
>> step 2.(i) to something like:
>> 5.
>> Let L be a sub-resource locator such that Rmatch = R(TL).
>> Implementations SHOULD report an error if there is more than one
>> sub-resource locator that satisfies this condition. *Invoke the
>> sub-resource locator method of O and set O **to the value returned
>> from that method.* Set U to be the value of the final capturing
>> group of R(TL) when matched against U, and set C′ to be the
>> singleton set containing only the class *of O*.
> Not really sure, we need to apply the whole sequence to issue 405 and see if it fixes it.

I think we also need the fix of 2(h) as suggested by Santiago earlier:

Set M as follows,
M = {subresource methods of all classes in C′ where R(T_method) = R_match (excluding sub-resource locators)}
and go to step 3 if M ̸= {}.


>> M = { subresource methods of all classes in C′ where R(T_method) = R_match (excluding sub-resource locators) }

> Thanks, Sergey
>> Correct?
>> Marek
>>> --
>>> Bill Burke
>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat