[jax-rs-spec users] Re: _at_Logged deep binding

From: Marek Potociar <>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2013 19:54:15 +0100

On Feb 6, 2013, at 6:11 PM, Alex Rojkov <> wrote:

>>>>>> IMO it should.
>>>>> Thanks. I am adding conditional return to MyResourceClass#hello.
>>>>> MyResourceClass#hello may return any implementation of Foo. Some implementations may not be annotated with @Logged.
>>>>> Can you explain how a jaxrs implementation can determine that LogginFilter should be invoked?
>>>> By introspecting the Java type of the returned sub-resource instance. Since this is a potentially processing-intensive operation, the implementations may consider caching the introspection results for future use.
>>> I see. That means filters can be invoked between resources / sub resource method invocations. Appendix C suggests that filters are invoked before any resource method invocations.
>> Not sure what you mean by "filters can be invoked between resources / sub resource method invocations". Note that subresource locators are part of JAX-RS request-to-resource method matching facility and following is the only possible scenario for any matched request:
>> request -> [subresource-locator [-> ... -> subresource-locator] -> ] resource method
>> The above demonstrates that zero or more sub-resource locators may be invoked as part of the request URI matching process. If we add filters into picture, we get:
>> request -> pre-match filters -> [subresource-locator [-> ... -> subresource-locator] -> ] post-match global & name-bound filters -> resource method
>> The name-bound filters are selected based on the resource method and it's owner instance that was matched to ultimately handle the request (with or without help of sub-resource locators).
>>> IMO, the spec needs to be more clear about Filter contract.
>> It would be good if you could come up with concrete suggestions for improvements. It's hard to see what does "more clear" mean in general.
> Sure. How about adding the below to clarify:
> – post-match global filters are invoked before any of the root-resource methods are called.
> – name bound filters are invoked before a bound method is called.

Have you seen the Appnedix C in the spec? The processing pipeline diagram is there.
> IMO, the current wording in the spec suggests that all filters (including the method bound filters) finish executing before root-resource is invoked.

What does it mean "before root-resource is invoked"??? JAX-RS root resource is an instance of a class, it cannot be invoked.


> Alex
>> Marek
>>> Alex
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Marek
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Alex
>>>>>> Marek
>>>>>> On Feb 5, 2013, at 3:59 AM, Alex Rojkov <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> Given the mapping below, should LoggingFilter get invoked?
>>>>>>> @Provider
>>>>>>> @Logged
>>>>>>> class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter,
>>>>>>> ContainerResponseFilter {
>>>>>>> …
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> @Path("/")
>>>>>>> public class MyResourceClass {
>>>>>>> @Path("{name}")
>>>>>>> public Foo hello(@PathParam("name") String name) {
>>>>> if (name.contains("bogus"))
>>>>> return new FooBean2();
>>>>> else
>>>>>>> return new FooBean();
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> public interface Foo {
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> public class FooBean implements Foo {
>>>>>>> @Logged
>>>>>>> @GET
>>>>>>> public String hello() {
>>>>>>> return "FooBean[]";
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>> public class FooBean2 implements Foo {
>>>>> @GET
>>>>> public String hello() {
>>>>> return "FooBean2[]";
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Alex