[jax-rs-spec users] [jsr339-experts] Re: Spec's reference of EJB's @Asynchronous is incorrect

From: Jan Algermissen <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 21:07:33 +0100

On 30.01.2013, at 20:54, Bill Burke <> wrote:

> On 1/30/2013 11:32 AM, Marek Potociar wrote:
>> I'm not sure I follow how the EJB async "fire-and-forget" nature relates to HTTP.
> Exactly my point, it doesn't relate, so you can't use it with JAX-RS. HTTP expects a response, 'void' + @Asychronous, there is no response for EJB clients.
>> All we are saying is that the HTTP response is returned on a different thread that the one received the request.
> Back to our old argument, so I won't go there...
>> Async EJBs is one way how to delegate request processing to another (managed) thread in a JEE container.
> Wrong. Async EJBs is so that the client execute one or more tasks in the background. It has nothing to do with managed threads in the Java EE container other than a possible implementation detail.

Aha - that would explain why EJB does not provide a way to select the thread pool for the new thread in @Asynchronous. I found that to be really missing from a design POV. Not implying a new threads explains that.

Thanks! :-)


> --
> Bill Burke
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat