[jax-rs-spec users] [jsr339-experts] Re: Re: Re: Remove @ManagedAsync Re: Re: Re: Latest async API changes

From: Bill Burke <>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 15:23:52 -0400

On 8/15/2012 1:02 PM, Marek Potociar wrote:
> Experts,
> While I disagree with most of what Bill is objecting to, I have not
> received any other real support for either side from you. So, since I do
> not feel strongly about having these features in JAX-RS now, to move out
> of this deadlock situation I have updated the async API proposal as follows:
> * removed all properties from @Suspended
> o the injected AsyncResponse is suspended indefinitely by default
> which may be changed using its programmatic API

I wasn't totally against @Suspended having annotation attributes and
wouldn't fight you if you preferred it.

> * removed ConnectionCallback from JAX-RS API

I actually like ConnectionCallback as it would be very useful to use in
conjunction with async. I just wanted it to be optional so JAX-RS
implementations that are written to run solely under the Servlet API
can. Maybe we could talk to Servlet JSR to get this standardized there?
  Then ConnectionCallback could be mandatory in Servlet 3.1 containers
(that the right version?)

> * removed @ManagedAsync from JAX-RS API

This is the only thing I was 100% against.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat