That said - neither of the listed JIRAs is about introducing something
major but rather propose various minor tweaks to API/docs
- most of these JIRAs were opened after working with CXF users so I
honestly think it will make 2.1 a tiny bit better if one/few of those issues
get addressed... I was not creating them only to generate some 'noise'.
Marek, Santiago - I'd like to encourage you to review these issues
listed below
Thanks, Sergey
On 25/02/16 22:48, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Well you started a discussion despite whatever time frame you are
> referring to a couple of weeks back.
> Where are the spec leads anyway with keeping up uptodate with some
> delivery dates, etc.
> Anyway, I've done my best to bring to the attention of the experts
> some of interesting (IMHO) improvements and bug fixes requests,
> but I don't hold my breath and expecting any reaction
> On 25/02/16 17:49, Markus Karg wrote:
>> Is there room for discussion looking at the time frame?
>> Sergey Beryozkin <> hat geschrieben:
>> Hi All,
>> hope you are doing well,
>> I've been inspired by Marek accepting one of Markus's proposals recently
>> :-), so I thought I'd review the list of the JIRA issues
>> I've created over the last couple of years or so which is what I did, I
>> marked quite a few of them as won't fix and came up with the list at [1].
>> I'm honestly not expecting all of them (or even some of them) be
>> necessarily addressed for 2.1 bubt I think fixing some of them can
>> improve the spec/API in some minor ways. Here are the JIRAs I think can
>> be of interest to resolve for 2.1.
>> The bugs (docs or spec):
>> 1.
>> ResponseBuilder StatusType is lost
>> 2.
>> Auto-closing InputStream issue - we actually had our tooling team
>> pushing back after I implemented the auto-closing due to
>> the tooling code reading lazily loaded DOM documents. It is probably
>> more of the docs issues as opposed to the spec issue
>> 3.
>> The docs issue which confused some of our users. Santiago commented he
>> was seeing the point made.
>> 4.
>> Minor MediaType.isCompatible issue
>> Some improvements:
>> 1.
>> 'Direction' of bean validation exceptions - i.e did it happen on the
>> input or output
>> 2.
>> Get the properties visible to service classes and to MBR/MBW, something
>> Markus was also asking about recently
>> 3.
>> (with a link to a JIRA also created by the other user)
>> @Produces for ExceptionMappers
>> 4.
>> Mapping matrix parameters without values to Boolean when possible, it
>> will align if with the related WADL text well
>> 5.
>> The list of binding annotations improvement
>> 6.
>> Optional 'doc' property to all of JAX-RS annotations
>> The 'scene' of documenting JAX-RS services is in a bit of disorder right
>> now. Some people use JavaDocs, some custom annotations such as
>> Swagger, etc
>> Simple fix - lots of consolidation at the tooling/code generation level
>> may be possible due to it.
>> 7.
>> StreamingOutput MBR
>> [1]
>> I honestly hope some discussion will follow - hate to see the list being
>> not alive...
>> Sergey