It seems JAXB is ok with a private setter method. Didn't know that.
This may be ok with the TCK too as supposedly it only tests public and
protected API methods, I'll ping lance.
The bug still exists though, but at least we may be able to fix it.
On 8/29/2013 3:14 PM, Santiago Pericas-Geertsen wrote:
> Bill,
> I think you have a point. Not sure how we missed that in testing. Let me check with Lance.
> -- Santiago
> On Aug 29, 2013, at 3:08 PM, Bill Burke <> wrote:
>> It seems I'm not allowed to fix this problem in Resteasy until a Maintenance Release of JAx-RS is done to fix the problem. From Lance Andersen:
>> "Any changes to the API like you suggest would require an MR to the JAXRS spec and adding a method without an MR would not be allowed.
>> Please work with Marek and Santiago on your request for enhancement.
>> "
>> Is there any way to get a waver for this? This seems rather absurd IMO as this is a bug fix, not an enhancement. Its just a damn setter method!
>> As it is, I'm going to have to explain to thousands of readers why my JAX-RS book uses a Resteasy specific JAXB adapter for LInk rather than the one provided by the spec API.
>> On 8/28/2013 8:11 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>> The problem stems from a missing setter method in Link.JaxbLink
>>> public void setUri(URI uri) {
>>> this.uri = uri;
>>> }
>>> If you add that then unmarshalling works. If you don't add this then
>>> the URI property will always be NULL.
>>> The concern I have is, if I fix this I will fail the signature tests of
>>> the TCK. Is this something that can be challenged?
>>> On 8/28/2013 11:27 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>>> Unmarshalling Link doesn't seem to work. Try this out:
>>>> @XmlRootElement(name="list")
>>>> public static class LinksList
>>>> {
>>>> protected Link other;
>>>> protected List<Link> links = new ArrayList<Link>();
>>>> @XmlElement(name="link")
>>>> @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value=Link.JaxbAdapter.class, type=Link.class)
>>>> public List<Link> getLinks()
>>>> {
>>>> return links;
>>>> }
>>>> public void setLinks(List<Link> links)
>>>> {
>>>> this.links = links;
>>>> }
>>>> @XmlElement(name="other")
>>>> @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value=Link.JaxbAdapter.class)
>>>> public Link getOther()
>>>> {
>>>> return other;
>>>> }
>>>> public void setOther(Link other)
>>>> {
>>>> this.other = other;
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> @Test
>>>> public void testLinks() throws Exception
>>>> {
>>>> JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(LinksList.class);
>>>> LinksList list = new LinksList();
>>>> list.getLinks().add(Link.fromUri("/a").rel("self").build());
>>>> list.getLinks().add(Link.fromUri("/b").rel("father").build());
>>>> list.setOther(Link.fromUri("/c").rel("other").build());
>>>> StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
>>>> context.createMarshaller().marshal(list, writer);
>>>> String xml = writer.getBuffer().toString();
>>>> System.out.println(xml);
>>>> System.out.println("----");
>>>> list = (LinksList)context.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new
>>>> ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes()));
>>>> context.createMarshaller().marshal(list, System.out);
>>>> }
>> --
>> Bill Burke
>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat