
[jsr339-experts] Re: New to the group - comments on the current draft

From: Bill Burke <bburke_at_redhat.com>
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2011 09:12:09 -0500

On 12/8/11 5:33 PM, Sastry Malladi wrote:
> Handlers and filters
> * At the first glance, this seems to be confusing as well as
> incomplete. Disclaimer : it is possible that I didn't understand
> this fully

This might illustrate our thoughts on filters/handlers:


> * The scenario that is not covered is handlers for wrapping around
> resource method invocation - This is needed, for example, to measure
> the time taken by the resource method itself (monitoring/metrics).

Use EJB or CDI or Spring for this. IMO we should not be duplicating
other component models.

> * Binding : The binding methods described are flexible, but in
> reality, only GlobalBinding is what is used in an operational
> environment.

Maybe this is true with eBay, but...the idea is to be able to bind a
behavior to an annotation.

> However, specific resources may indicate that certain
> filters don't apply to them - For example a SecurityFilter is always
> globally configured in an environment and some resource may
> specifically say,

Depends what the security filter is doing. Again, it could be triggered
by applying an annotation.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat