On 07/07/2011 06:59 PM, Markus KARG wrote:
> @Ref.condition -- Interesting idea, but the question is, whether there will be any other conditions besides "is null"?
> If not, we can omit that, since null will not get rendered by a JAXB marshaller anyways.
Think about conditions that control generation & attachment of links based on e.g. user security roles, state of the
resource etc.
> If there are more conditions, I
> would be more happy with a Java API than a String based syntax. In our application we solved this by the general
> invention of a "Constraint" interface (which is not HATEOAS dependend, but more general like java.lang or java.util
> things are). This would not only run faster, but also allows to syntax-check for typos (which always is hard to find).
Personally, I find EL as a language for conditions practical.