
[jsr339-experts] Re: Issue priorities

From: Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2011 10:33:43 +0200

We should start with something "simple". Client API would be the most fun to start with.

@Roberto I miss the "Improvement of Convention over Configuration / Configuration (Annotation) by Exception". I would prioritize it as MAJOR.

On 25.03.2011, at 17:53, Roberto Chinnici wrote:

> I've done a pass through the issues list and here are the proposed new priorities.
> First of all, I should explain the priorities we'll be using.
> I'd like to save the highest (blocker) for true showstoppers.
> We'll use the next four levels as high-to-low priorities: critical, major, minor, trivial. (I don't like the words and I think of the four levels as 1 to 4.)
> In terms of classification:
> 1) "critical" is stuff we absolutely need to do, or users will flee JAX-RS in droves for proprietary APIs, plus glaring errors in the 1.1 spec
> 2) "major" is important stuff that affects lots of users
> 3) "minor" issues either have feasible workarounds or affects a minority of users
> 4) "trivial" is everything else (nice to have, nitpicks, affects tiny number of users)
> In general, I've privileged issues that affect regular users of the API, i.e. application developers trying to get their job done, over those that impact framework developers who'd like to build on JAX-RS.
> Here are the priorities: (some of the descriptions were truncated so the table prints better)
> == CRITICAL ============================================================
> JAX_RS_SPEC-70 UriBuilder must encode slashes in values
> JAX_RS_SPEC-57 Interceptors
> JAX_RS_SPEC-56 Server-side asynchronous request processing model
> JAX_RS_SPEC-55 Support for JSR-330 annotations and CDI
> JAX_RS_SPEC-54 Validation support
> JAX_RS_SPEC-50 Low-level client API
> JAX_RS_SPEC-42 Request variant selection mismatch
> JAX_RS_SPEC-32 EJBException handling spec error
> == MAJOR ===============================================================
> JAX_RS_SPEC-66 URI Building
> JAX_RS_SPEC-62 Form beans
> JAX_RS_SPEC-61 Improved marshalling for string-based parameters
> JAX_RS_SPEC-60 Resource metamodel
> JAX_RS_SPEC-58 Make it easier to use EJBs as sub-resources
> JAX_RS_SPEC-53 MVC support
> JAX_RS_SPEC-52 Hypermedia support
> JAX_RS_SPEC-51 High-level client API
> JAX_RS_SPEC-49 How to use Maven2
> JAX_RS_SPEC-47 Finer-grain reader/writer matching
> JAX_RS_SPEC-46 UriBuilder.fromMethod(Class, String)
> JAX_RS_SPEC-45 Variant requires you to call add prior to call build
> JAX_RS_SPEC-38 Hyperlinking Support Issues
> JAX_RS_SPEC-35 provide a way to allow dependency injection into sub resources t
> JAX_RS_SPEC-34 it would be nice if @PathParam @FormParam @QueryParam could inje
> JAX_RS_SPEC-31 Resolving resource method ambiguity with resource inheritance
> JAX_RS_SPEC-30 Error matching HTTP methods for sub-resource methods
> JAX_RS_SPEC-28 charset missing from content-type
> JAX_RS_SPEC-23 sub resource methods to match empty path
> JAX_RS_SPEC-22 Clarify JavaDoc of getAcceptableLanguages() and getAcceptableMed
> JAX_RS_SPEC-19 Annotation Inheritance not specified for interfaces
> JAX_RS_SPEC-15 Response/ResponseBuilder should be Generic
> JAX_RS_SPEC-10 EntityHolder
> JAX_RS_SPEC-7 Dealing with {} in UriBuilder
> JAX_RS_SPEC-5 Improve handling of trailing slash
> JAX_RS_SPEC-1 Support quality of source for produced media types
> == MINOR ===============================================================
> JAX_RS_SPEC-68 Router interface
> JAX_RS_SPEC-67 Allow custom resource creation
> JAX_RS_SPEC-65 Support breaking the view layer from the control layer
> JAX_RS_SPEC-64 Support non-default parameter access convention using Java's deb
> JAX_RS_SPEC-63 Custom resource lookup
> JAX_RS_SPEC-59 Convention over configuration
> JAX_RS_SPEC-48 Exception hierarchy
> JAX_RS_SPEC-44 JavaDocs should mention behaviour on RuntimeException thrown in
> JAX_RS_SPEC-43 Provide method to access X509 client certificates
> JAX_RS_SPEC-37 Authentication inside of Java EE Application Client Container
> JAX_RS_SPEC-33 Request Matching using Query Param
> JAX_RS_SPEC-29 Extends @MatrixParam with ("subpath;param")
> JAX_RS_SPEC-27 Specify mapping of AccessLocalException for EJBs with @RolesAllo
> JAX_RS_SPEC-26 WebApplicationException should have an (Entity, status) construc
> JAX_RS_SPEC-24 Need way to generate similar resource URL's from given URL
> JAX_RS_SPEC-21 Mixing of OPTIONs
> JAX_RS_SPEC-18 @HttpMethod should guess value if omitted
> JAX_RS_SPEC-17 Query parameters do not encode data which looks like percent-enc
> JAX_RS_SPEC-16 JAX-RS should support multiple exception mappers distinguished b
> JAX_RS_SPEC-14 Request.evaluatePreconditions() needs clarification
> JAX_RS_SPEC-13 Need string init for UriBuilder, fromTemplate()
> JAX_RS_SPEC-11 Error in matching request to resource w/ regexes
> JAX_RS_SPEC-8 ContentDisposition should be part of JAX-RS
> == TRIVIAL =============================================================
> JAX_RS_SPEC-36 Support for EXI and FastInfoset
> JAX_RS_SPEC-25 RDF Support for JAX-RS
> JAX_RS_SPEC-12 Extend Annotation Inheritance to cover more use cases
> JAX_RS_SPEC-9 Requesting an injectible 'uber-context'
> JAX_RS_SPEC-6 Anonymous subclass instance as a response entity
> JAX_RS_SPEC-3 @MatrixParam should not inherit values
> JAX_RS_SPEC-2 Case Insensitive Map
> == LINKED TO OTHER ISSUES ==============================================
> (57) JAX_RS_SPEC-69 Allow ordered interceptors
> (50) JAX_RS_SPEC-41 JAX-RS 2.0 Client API must be able to process custom HTTP method
> (50) JAX_RS_SPEC-40 JAX-RS Client API should support process Allows header
> (50) JAX_RS_SPEC-39 Client Cache Support
> (57) JAX_RS_SPEC-20 ResourceFilter
> (1) JAX_RS_SPEC-4 provide a mechanism to be able to raise the priority of a repres