
[jsr339-experts] First steps

From: Roberto Chinnici <roberto.chinnici_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 11:29:32 -0800

  Welcome to the public JAX-RS 2.0 EG mailing list!

A couple of days ago I transferred the open issues from JSR-311 (aka
JAX-RS 1.0) to the JIRA for this project [1]. I haven't changed the
priorities except in one case, but it seems to me that there are a
number of low-priority issues disguised as "major" ones.

I'd like to use the issue tracker quite extensively, both to track the
items we're working on and to make sure we handle input from the
community in a consistent way.

When setting up the java.net project, I also transferred the current API
sources and the specification sources from JSR-311; they are checked
into the git repository for this project (see [2]).

Besides the issue tracker, the other major source of work items is the
JSR itself [3].
Here's a summary:
     a) a low-level client API using the builder pattern
     b) a higher-level, REST-friendly client API
     c) hypermedia
     d) MVC support
     e) validation, via integration with Bean Validation API
     f) JSR-330 and CDI integration
     g) asynchronous request processing model
     h) "qs" parameter for content negotiation
     i) ease of use, e.g. DRY

We should start by prioritizing this list as well as the issues already
in the tracker.

I'd also like to discuss right away any changes we want to make to the
goals/non-goals currently listed in the spec (sections 1.2, 1.3).


[1] http://java.net/jira/browse/JAX_RS_SPEC
[2] http://java.net/projects/jax-rs-spec/sources/git/show
[3] http://jcp.org/en/jsr/proposalDetails?id=339