
[jsr339-experts] Re: First steps

From: Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com>
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 10:00:33 +0100

Hi Roberto,

better intergration with EJB 3.2 would be also nice. E.g. it is hard right now to use EJB 3.2 as a sub-resource.

On 03.03.2011, at 20:29, Roberto Chinnici wrote:

> Welcome to the public JAX-RS 2.0 EG mailing list!
> A couple of days ago I transferred the open issues from JSR-311 (aka JAX-RS 1.0) to the JIRA for this project [1]. I haven't changed the priorities except in one case, but it seems to me that there are a number of low-priority issues disguised as "major" ones.
> I'd like to use the issue tracker quite extensively, both to track the items we're working on and to make sure we handle input from the community in a consistent way.
> When setting up the java.net project, I also transferred the current API sources and the specification sources from JSR-311; they are checked into the git repository for this project (see [2]).
> Besides the issue tracker, the other major source of work items is the JSR itself [3].
> Here's a summary:
> a) a low-level client API using the builder pattern
> b) a higher-level, REST-friendly client API
> c) hypermedia
> d) MVC support
> e) validation, via integration with Bean Validation API
> f) JSR-330 and CDI integration
> g) asynchronous request processing model
> h) "qs" parameter for content negotiation
> i) ease of use, e.g. DRY
> We should start by prioritizing this list as well as the issues already in the tracker.
> I'd also like to discuss right away any changes we want to make to the goals/non-goals currently listed in the spec (sections 1.2, 1.3).
> --Roberto
> [1] http://java.net/jira/browse/JAX_RS_SPEC
> [2] http://java.net/projects/jax-rs-spec/sources/git/show
> [3] http://jcp.org/en/jsr/proposalDetails?id=339