Re: Using local transport when hosting JAX-WS services

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 10:01:42 -0700

Sounds like an interesting idea. We actually use the
LocalClientTransport to do some testing. We certainly would be
interested in reviewing the changes that you are proposing. I would
suggest that you wait a week or so before working on this anymore as the
Service/ServiceFactory is going to be changing soon. wrote:

> I'd like to be able to create a Service instance which performs local
> invocations on in-JVM POJOs using JAX-WS so that I can plug in a
> different transport layer into JAX-WS. i.e. using the existing
> LocalTransport in both client and server parts.
> If you're interested here's my use case on gory detail...
> <UseCase>
> I work on an open source ESB/JBI project called ServiceMix (http://
> We've a ton of components for working with different
> transports (HTTP, JMS, files, Jabber, email, FTP, WebDAV etc)
> together with lots of services like smart routing and transformation
> etc. We've already got support for various SOAP stacks like SAAJ
> (Axis), WSIF, XFire, ActiveSOAP.
> I've just got the JAXWS binding for ServiceMix working so any JAX-WS
> service can be invoked from inside the JBI bus (yay!) - (though using
> my patched version of the JAX-WS RI, see my other recent emails for
> details of those patches).
> What that means is we can reuse the existing transports in ServiceMix
> to do the messaging/transports, then delegate to the JAX-WS Service
> to deal with the SOAP protocol & XML marshalling. So kinda like
> we're using JBI as the transport with the JAX-WS RI. So we've got the
> client side done - the JBI router can invoke JAX-WS services via the
> Service/ServiceFactory API - i.e. using the client side of JAX-WS.
> What I'd like to do next is to host JAX-WS services inside of JBI/
> ServiceMix where JBI takes care of the transports and lets JAX-WS RI
> do the SOAP protocol/XML marshalling work and the service can be
> implemented locally, rather than going over HTTP.
> </UseCase>
> So I've been hunting through the code and have seen both http and
> local transports are there. Yet the code currently only seems to
> support the HTTP transport right? The only Endpoint implementation is
> hardwired to use HTTP right now.
> So from a fairly brief look at the code it looks like we need some
> kind of LocalEndpoint implementation and change the EndpointImpl /
> EndpointFactory to use LocalEndpoint if some binding URL is used
> right? Is this a planned feature that's on someone's lists of things
> to do? I'd be happy to try create a patch if you'd be interested?
> Once we've got support for local endpoints on the server side of
> things; the next challenge is gonna be, how can we dispatch to the
> endpoint from the client side e.g. do we change the ServiceFactory/
> Service mechanism to be able to use the LocalTransport? It seems like
> most of the work has been done on the local transport it just needs
> to be wired into the server side (Endpoint/EndpointFactory) and
> client side (Service/ServiceFactory).
> Does this all seem reasonable or am I way off base here? :). I'm
> willing to help out if someone wants to give me some pointers?
> James
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 - Doug