Re: sent a message to a particular method on the server side

From: Anne Thomas Manes <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 11:42:15 -0400

The service at the endpoint uses the qname of the child element of the
SOAP Body to determine how to dispatch the request. That information
must be defined as part of the service configuration. Your client must
construct an appropriate message (as specified by the WSDL file), and
then it should work. The client does not need to indicate the
service's method name.

On 7/14/05, Oancea Daniel <> wrote:
> hi everybody,
> a read the Java Web Services Tutorial and I build an JAX-RPC client
> which has to interact whit a web service. The problem is that i don't
> now exactly how to tell to my client to try to reach a particular
> method from the server side. In the tutorial I find that I have to use
> <call> method to send a message, which have two arguments: the message
> being sent and the destination to which the message should go. Is
> nothing about the method that i want to address this message.
> I done something like :
> SOAPMessage response =, endpoint);
> where <endpoint> is the address location of the web service.
> Thanks
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