Re: exception handling

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 10:27:34 -0700

InvalidPasswordException_Exception is the proper name on the client. Try
modifying your
exception class on the server to be:

public class InvalidPasswordException extends Exception {

public InvalidPasswordException() {

super("bad password");



and see if that works.

Ian Jones wrote:

> All,
> I’m attempting to throw a service-specific exception in my JAX-RPC web
> service. This exception is defined, simply, as follows:
> public class InvalidPasswordException extends Exception {
> public InvalidPasswordException() {
> }
> }
> and is thrown in the interface of my web service here:
> String login(String password) throws RemoteException,
> InvalidPasswordException;
> I then use wscompile to generate the WSDL, server ties and client
> stubs. However the client stub generated for the exception is called
> InvalidPasswordException_Exception and this is thrown by the login
> method’s client stub. Is this what should happen?
> In my client I attempt to catch this
> InvalidPasswordException_Exception exception as follows:
> try {
> client.login("random");
> fail("Password was not invalid");
> } catch (InvalidPasswordException_Exception e) {
> return;
> } catch (ServerException e) {
> fail(e.getMessage());
> } catch (Exception e) {
> e.printStackTrace();
> fail("failed due to exception " + e.getMessage());
> }
> In this case the server correctly attempts to throw a new
> InvalidPasswordException, but the client catches a ServerException
> which mentions the InvalidPasswordException within it’s message. Is
> this also correct? Shouldn’t I just be able to catch an
> InvalidPasswordException as specified by the service’s interface?
> Many thanks for any help,
> Ian Jones
> Senior Analyst Developer
> Piper Group plc
> Email:
> Tel: + 44 (0) 1454 284900
> Fax: + 44 (0) 1454 284950
> <>
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