RE: JAX-RPC mapping file, really needed?

From: Merten Schumann <>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 12:19:45 +0200

> IIRC IBM drove JSR-109 so you *may* need the mapping file when you use
> WebSphere but I have no experience with that container,

that's an interesting point, thanx
I wait for some answer from Sun regarding my question, if I really need
this mapping file or not :-)

Or maybe there's a tool (different from wscompile) out there which
produces not only the WSDL but this mapping file too ... I just would
like to have a wscompile/java2wsdl, which preserves method parameter
names. I think this is addressed in JAX-RPC 2, in fact I downloaded a
preview (from this WS-I sample application) but it requires JDK 1.5,
which I cannot use for some reason :-(
