Re: one-way invocations

From: Alessio Cervellin <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 20:15:56 +0100

Guadalupe Ortiz wrote:
> I know how a a client can do a one -way invocation to a service in JAXRPC.
> But, what about if I want the client to receive a message for other service
> which he has not invoked. Is it possible? How the client expects the answer?

maybe you just need to write a servlet which listens for incoming soap
messages... in older jwsdp versions (1.1?) you could do this by writing
a simple servlet (client side) which extends JAXMServlet and implements
the ReqRespListener. Then you've to implement the onMessage() method
whose invocation is triggered by the arrival of a SOAP request (which is
sent by the server side of you web service).
I dunno if this is still valid with the latest JWSDP versionsof if there
are better approaches...