Thank-you very much; I was tryint to compile the advanced/dii whihc uses
dthe WSDL file, but not the dii one. Thanks again for your help,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve W. Jackson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: dynamic web service invocations
> On Feb 13, 2005, at 8:34 AM, Guadalupe Ortiz wrote:
> > I am interested on creating a client for invoking a web service which
> > is not
> > known until runtime. I have checked the dii advanced example in JAXRPC
> > but
> > it still use the remote service WSDL file at compilation time. Is it
> > possible to compile a client who does not know the service which is
> > going to
> > invoke until runtime? (I could pass the service location when invoking
> > the
> > client) Where could I find information about this?,
> > Thanks in adavance.
> > Guadalupe
> You should check the DII examples again. DII does not use the WSDL at
> compile time. It refers to it at runtime.
> When using the DII method, the service must be RPC/encoded (I think
> I've seen this confirmed here on this list, but I've yet to find a way
> to use anything else). You can use DII in more than one way. Check
> the J2EE API docs for the javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory class. The three
> calls you'll care about are the static newInstance() method to create a
> new javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory instance, and the createService(QName
> serviceName) and createService(URL wsdlDocumentLocation, QName
> serviceName) methods. Which of those you elect to use governs which
> methods of the javax.xml.rpc.Call interface are appropriate for your
> use. As you'll see, it's entirely possible to call a Web service with
> absolutely no compile time knowledge of it at all.
> = Steve =
> Steve W. Jackson
> Montgomery, Alabama
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