RE: new webservice architecture

From: Anne Thomas Manes <>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 17:35:19 -0500

The so-called web service “client” in this scenario is, in fact, the
JSP/servlet. There’s no reason to use an applet to invoke the service. Most
Java SOAP client environments are pretty heavy-weight for an applet. If you
really want to use an applet to invoke the service, then I suggest using the
Wingfoot SOAP client (see <>
SOAP messages must be sent to a SOAP server/node rather than routed through
a servlet. (Note that a SOAP server runs as a servlet, but not within the
servlet that’s communicating with the applet.) The SOAP engine processes the
SOAP message and then invokes the appropriate class method to process the
request. So there’s only one web service and a corresponding Java

From: sergio lera []
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 1:07 PM
Subject: new webservice architecture
hello list,
Yesterdar I showed a web service design based on JSPs, servlets and
webservices, but I forgot an important requisite: the end user (client) MUST
contain the java classes that compose the webservice requestor. So, now my
design has changed completely.
In the new design, client access a web server (client MUST use a browser to
access the service) and load an HTML page with a java applet. The java
applet downloads the java classes that compose the webservice requestor and
uses the webservice requestor to build a SOAP message. Then, clients send
the SOAP message to a servlet. The servlet gets the HTTP message and passes
the SOAP message to a SOAP engine. The SOAP engine analizes the SOAP message
(the request) and sends it to his corresponding webservice (I have supossed
that there are 2 webservices).
--What do you think about this design?it has faults?is it possible to
implement it?
--do you think that Jax-RPC can be used here like SOAP engine?
Thanks a lot!!!!


throw new Exception("SoftLera!!!");


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