Re: Problems implementing DataHandler for AttachmentPart

From: Oliver Jaun <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 09:31:43 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks also to you Dennis (got to replies to this



--- Dennis Sosnoski <> wrote:

> Strict base64 encoding is defined in terms of RFC
> 2045, which is
> referenced by both the XML Schema recommendation
> and
> the WS-I Attachments
> profile
> RFC 2045 ( says
> that you should
> generated lines of no more than 76 characters for
> compatibility across
> different forms of transport, although you're
> allowed to accept lines
> that are longer.
> - Dennis
> Oliver Jaun wrote:
> >Hello
> >
> >I want to implement my own DataHandler because I
> need
> >strict base64 encoding for my SOAP Attachments. The
> >BASE64EncoderStream makes newlines after 76
> >characters. This does not conform to strict base64
> >encoding (newline is not part of base64 alphabet).
> >
> >If you create a AttachmentPart and you use
> >setMimeHeader("Content-Type-Encoding", "base64")
> then
> >the default BASE64EncoderStream is used.
> >
> >So I implemeted my own DataHandler and added it to
> the
> >AttachmentPart. In the DataHandler I implemented
> the
> >writeTo(OutputStream os) method. Now something
> funny
> >(well, not really ;-) happens: The OutputStream
> passed
> >is already a BASE64EncoderStream. My idea was to do
> >something like this: MyBase64Encoder(os) and write
> te
> >data from the DataSource to this stream.
> >
> >I either got something completly wrong or this is a
> >bug... Here's my code
> >
> >public getUpdate(String updateId,
> String
> >terminalId, BigInteger sliceNo) {
> >try {
> >MessageContext mc =
> >servletEndpointContext.getMessageContext();
> >FileInputStream fis = new
> >FileInputStream("/tmp/bla.tar");
> >InputStreamDataSource ids = new
> InputStreamDataSource(
> >fis, "application/octet-stream",
> "distributedFile");
> >
> >DataHandler dh = new MyDataHandler(ids);
> >AttachmentPart att =
> >MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage()
> >.createAttachmentPart(dh);
> >
> >att.setDataHandler(dh);
> >System.out.println("attachmentpart: " +
> >att.getClass());
> >
> >att.setMimeHeader("Content-Type",
> >"application/octet-stream");
> >att.setMimeHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding",
> >"base64");
> >att.setContentId("distributedFile");
> >
> >ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
> >list.add(att);
> >list);
> > retVal = new
> >"cid:distributedFile");
> >return retVal;
> >} catch(Exception e) {
> >e.printStackTrace();
> >}
> >return null;
> >}
> >
> >The Data Handler:
> >
> >class MyDataHandler extends DataHandler {
> >public MyDataHandler(DataSource ds) {
> >super(ds);
> >System.out.println("init mydatahandler");
> >}
> >
> >// os is passed as BASE64EncoderStream.... why????
> I
> >want to encode it myself!
> >public void writeTo(OutputStream os) throws
> > {
> >System.out.println("writeToooooooooooooooooooooo: "
> +
> >os.getClass());
> >super.writeTo(new Base64.OutputStream(os,
> >Base64.DONT_BREAK_LINES | Base64.ENCODE));
> >}
> >}
> >
> >I hope anyone can help... Thanks a lot in advance
> >
> >Regards
> >
> >Oliver Jaun
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Dennis M. Sosnoski
> Enterprise Java, XML, and Web Services
> Training and Consulting
> Redmond, WA 425.885.7197
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