Re: Problems implementing DataHandler for AttachmentPart

From: Oliver Jaun <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 09:29:34 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Vishal

Thanks a lot for your help. I came to the same
conclusion after checking the source code and I
realised that it's really not possible. I can see that
the base64 encoding is correct but however it would be
nice if one could modify the default behaviour of the
AttachmentPart (which internally uses MimeBodyPart).
(Btw. why isn't the AttachmentPart a Subclass of

I just won't set the Content-Type-Encoding header and
encode myself for now. As long as the recipient knows
that it has to decode it as base64 it's ok. And
hopefully gSOAP will properly handle base64 soon...

Thanks a lot


--- Vishal Mahajan <Vishal.Mahajan_at_Sun.COM> wrote:

> Hi Oliver,
> Please see inline ...
> Oliver Jaun wrote:
> >Hello
> >
> >I want to implement my own DataHandler because I
> need
> >strict base64 encoding for my SOAP Attachments. The
> >BASE64EncoderStream makes newlines after 76
> >characters. This does not conform to strict base64
> >encoding (newline is not part of base64 alphabet).
> >
> RFC 2045 (Format of Internet Message Bodies) talks
> about Base64
> Content-Transfer-Encoding. Here's the relevant
> portion of this RFC:
> The encoded output stream must be represented in
> lines of no more
> than 76 characters each. All line breaks or
> other characters not
> found in Table 1 must be ignored by decoding
> software. In base64
> data, characters other than those in Table 1,
> line breaks, and other
> white space probably indicate a transmission
> error, about which a
> warning message or even a message rejection might
> be appropriate
> under some circumstances.
> This indicates that the attachment APIs are doing
> the right thing by
> restricting the size of the lines to 76 characters.
> >
> >If you create a AttachmentPart and you use
> >setMimeHeader("Content-Type-Encoding", "base64")
> then
> >the default BASE64EncoderStream is used.
> >
> Yes that's true. When you set the value of
> Content-Transfer-Encoding
> MIME header to "base64", the
> javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.writeTo()
> method writes the data to a Base64 encoding output
> stream. The
> attachment APIs implementation is built on top of
> javax.mail.internet.*
> classes, so there's no work-around to this
> situation.
> Regards,
> Vishal
> >
> >So I implemeted my own DataHandler and added it to
> the
> >AttachmentPart. In the DataHandler I implemented
> the
> >writeTo(OutputStream os) method. Now something
> funny
> >(well, not really ;-) happens: The OutputStream
> passed
> >is already a BASE64EncoderStream. My idea was to do
> >something like this: MyBase64Encoder(os) and write
> te
> >data from the DataSource to this stream.
> >
> >I either got something completly wrong or this is a
> >bug... Here's my code
> >
> >public getUpdate(String updateId,
> String
> >terminalId, BigInteger sliceNo) {
> >try {
> >MessageContext mc =
> >servletEndpointContext.getMessageContext();
> >FileInputStream fis = new
> >FileInputStream("/tmp/bla.tar");
> >InputStreamDataSource ids = new
> InputStreamDataSource(
> >fis, "application/octet-stream",
> "distributedFile");
> >
> >DataHandler dh = new MyDataHandler(ids);
> >AttachmentPart att =
> >MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage()
> >.createAttachmentPart(dh);
> >
> >att.setDataHandler(dh);
> >System.out.println("attachmentpart: " +
> >att.getClass());
> >
> >att.setMimeHeader("Content-Type",
> >"application/octet-stream");
> >att.setMimeHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding",
> >"base64");
> >att.setContentId("distributedFile");
> >
> >ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
> >list.add(att);
> >list);
> > retVal = new
> >"cid:distributedFile");
> >return retVal;
> >} catch(Exception e) {
> >e.printStackTrace();
> >}
> >return null;
> >}
> >
> >The Data Handler:
> >
> >class MyDataHandler extends DataHandler {
> >public MyDataHandler(DataSource ds) {
> >super(ds);
> >System.out.println("init mydatahandler");
> >}
> >
> >// os is passed as BASE64EncoderStream.... why????
> I
> >want to encode it myself!
> >public void writeTo(OutputStream os) throws
> > {
> >System.out.println("writeToooooooooooooooooooooo: "
> +
> >os.getClass());
> >super.writeTo(new Base64.OutputStream(os,
> >Base64.DONT_BREAK_LINES | Base64.ENCODE));
> >}
> >}
> >
> >I hope anyone can help... Thanks a lot in advance
> >
> >Regards
> >
> >Oliver Jaun
> >
> >
> >
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