Re: Bad Request Error

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 09:28:42 -0700

can you send the client and the wsdl or wsdl location?


chirayu shah wrote:

>I am using static stub to consume the web service. It
>has been generated by the wscompile utility. When i
>make a method call on stub, it generates following
>[java] java.rmi.RemoteException: HTTP Status-Code 400:
>Bad Request (Bad HTT P header 'Content-Type'); nested
>exception is:
> [java] HTTP Status-Code 400: Bad Request
>(Bad HTTP header 'Content-Type')
> [java] at
> ssion(
> [java] at
> [java] Caused by: HTTP Status-Code 400: Bad
>Request (Bad HTTP header 'Content-Type')
> [java] at
> Code(
> [java] at
> ponse(
> [java] at
> [java] at
> java:92)
> [java] at
> ssion(
> [java] ... 1 more
>I am finding it hard to figure out the cause. I will
>greatly appreciate the response.
>Chirayu Shah
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Vivek Pandey
Web Technologies and Standards
Sun Microsystems Inc.
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