Application class client/server ties not generated

From: Ian Jones <>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 11:19:31 +0100

I've posted a similar question to this on the Java forums so apologies
if you've already seen this.

I'm using JAX RPC to return an ArrayList of objects. These objects are
of a type that conforms to the defintion of a class that can be returned

In an attempt to get the necessary classes generated for this object I
have added the following to my config.xml:

<class name=""/>

I then use this generate the required WSDL with the following command:
wscompile -define -g -d WEB-INF -nd WEB-INF -classpath WEB-INF/classes
config.xml -model WEB-INF/export.gz
Looking at the generated WSDL from this, my class is defined in their as
a complex type with all the correct attributes.
So I then run this to generate the server ties:
wscompile -g -gen:server tie-gen-config.xml
Here, tie-gen-config.xml contains:
    <wsdl location="WEB-INF\my.wsdl"
packageName="" />

This runs without error and generates many of the required server side
class files, but not the ones for the class I have specified as an
additional type in config.xml.
Similarly these don't get generated for the client ties either.
Does anyone know why this would be? Am I missing a step? Or some kind
of configuration?
Application classes that are referenced explicitly in my end point
interface have tie classes generated as required. This process only
doesn't seem to work for me when they are not referenced in the
interface but I require them to be returned in a Collection and use the
above config. So, a workaround I have is to create a dummy method to
return the type that I'm having problems with and then the required ties
are generated. But this is not ideal.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Ian Jones
Senior Analyst Developer
Piper Group plc
Tel: + 44 (0) 1454 284900
Fax: + 44 (0) 1454 284950 <>
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