Re: JWSDP1.4 new features

From: Anita Jindal <Anita.Jindal_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 10:37:05 -0700

Hi Guadalupe,

JAX-RPC in JWSDP 1.4 supports WS-I BP 1.1 w/ Attachments Profile 1.0.
With this
you should be able to send large messages using attachments. You can
refer to the
JWSDP 1.4 tutorial available at http:.//
for more information and examples.

The XWS Security shipped with JWSDP 1.4, provides message level
security, and enables
one to send secure SOAP messages. The implementation is conformant to
Web Services
Security standard as being defined by the OASIS.

- Anita

Guadalupe Ortiz wrote:

>I still need time to read about the ew features in JWSDP-1.4, but I am very
>interested in two of them and I would be gartefull if any of you have
>already studied/used them to make me a litle summary:
>* I think I have read somewhere that it provides a new way to attach
>information/documents to JAX-rpc messages/services. I would like to know if
>that is right and what exactly it provides.
>* About compatibility with WS_Security, what does it means exactly? Which
>type of security it offers? Message level? Is it easy to apply?
>And finally, what does exactly mean the capability of using JDBC rowsets
>with jwsdp1.3?
>Thank-you very much, any comments are briefly gratefull
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